Three Poems – Cristin O’Keefe Aptowicz


Your Fucking Tweets

are what I read instead of reading a book, instead of writing
a poem, instead of cooking a meal. Your tweets are the flypaper
I fly into daily. Your tweets are the elevator where all my buttons
are pushed. Your tweets are as subtle as a paper cut, as casual
as a rectal exam, as funny as getting a paper cut while getting
a rectal exam. You are everything I don’t want to be. Your tweets
are a road map to everywhere I don’t want to go. Your tweets
keep happening. I keep hitting refresh and there is always more.
Your tweets.Your fucking tweets. It’s a first world problem,
but you’re a first class douchebag.


Money I

Paychecks are the melody
I used to score my whole life.
It was how I new how fast
I could go, or how slow.
How to know when it was
my turn to sing.


Money II
You know, it’s just money.
And what’s money, anyway?
Oh yeah, that’s right:
It controls fucking everything.


CRISTIN O’KEEFE APTOWICZ is a New York Times-best selling nonfiction writer and the author of six books of poetry, the most recently TX Poetry Book of the Year winning The Year of No Mistakes (Write Bloody Publishing, 2013). Recent awards include a NEA Fellowship, the ArtsEDGE Writer-in-Residence position at the University of Pennsylvania, and the Amy Clampitt House Fellowship. Her seventh book of poetry will be published by Write Bloody Publishing in 2017. For more information, please visit her website at:

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