Author Archives: Anthony Ragler

About Anthony Ragler

Anthony Ragler is a poet from NYC. He's represented NYC-Urbana at the 2014 National Poetry Slam and placed 2nd in the nation as well as the Urban Word NYC slam team at the 2013 Brave New Voices Festival that placed 3rd internationally. He has co-coached the 2015 Columbia University slam team at CUPSI and was named the 2014 Inspired Word grand master slam champion. He is currently an English and Education dual major at Mercy College.

Three Poems – Anthony Ragler




My mother tells me I look like the reason she started drinking.

When my father told us
That he was leaving, she searched thru
his things to find traces of the next woman;
A blonde strand of hair, as if to say:
"I don't need you anymore"

That night, she found a bottle of Hennessy,
started chasing my father down to the bottom of it.
These days, I can’t tell her sober from her slumber.
I just want to be the reason she wakes up again.

The day we drive to my first semester of college,
She is a slur of tears and alcohol
telling me this is everything she ever dreamed of;
I am becoming more than my father was—
leaving for all the right reasons.

In the car, I fall asleep drunk off my mother's approval.
When I wake up, I am in a hospital bed.

My neck, broken in four places.
The doctor wheel me over to my mother.
her bruises, the darkest shade of whiskey.
She has so many nerve damages,
I can see the last nerve she always claimed
I got on.
Tubes run through her entire body
A machine has to breathe for her.
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