Author Archives: Joshua McGillis

About Joshua McGillis

is a simple boy. Think Cheez-Its and pizza chains. Think B-movies and beer. Think hot water conservationist. He is afraid of his wrists and his bathtub getting on a first name basis. Occasionally, he masturbates and fakes an orgasm. He has never seen "Go big or go home" scratched on the inside of a bathroom stall.

DMC Mixtapes: Year-In-Review Edition (Joshua McGillis)


Top 5 Albums of 2014:

1. Death From Above 1979 – The Physical World
Standout tracks: “Right on, Frankenstein!” & “The Physical World”

2. Vales – Wilt & Rise
Standout tracks: “Dead Wood” & “Respite”

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Five Poems – Joshua McGillis



The summer rain comes in heavy and I lean off the balcony and don’t think of falling. Two children race down the sidewalk on training wheels and their father continues teaching them how to ride through the storm. I wonder if the gravity of the moment is lost on them. I hope they hold their bravery close. I list five different songs that would play in the trailer for this day. I wonder if my daughter will appreciate my official soundtrack, both before her and after. The best part of the rain is that it even makes my tattoos look new. I look up and remember to keep my mouth closed. Turkeys can be so god damn stupid, sometimes.
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