Author Archives: Laura Wachs

About Laura Wachs

Laura Wachs is a poet from Seattle, WA. A writer for twelve years and performer for five, she has featured at shows including Seattle Poetry Slam, Everett Poetry Night, Bellingham Poetry Night, Rain City Slam, Breadline, Vera Project, Antioch University and more. She curated and hosted the art variety show Heart (hear/art), the benefit show Be Love(d) for the Crisis Clinic of King County and is currently living in Seoul, South Korea facilitating "The Voices of Korean Adoption" in which she will teach poetry workshops to adoptees and publish a book on their narritive. She fancy's puppies, cheap red wine, and hugs.

Three Poems – Laura Wachs


Dear Sylvia,

An oven is no place to go searching for answers. All you will find there is 
uprising. Not even the dough is okay with accepting itself as soft. But, you 
are so soft. Trying to cushion the fall of your children. Shoving ear plugs 
beneath the crack of the door. You didn't want them to hear. You didn't want 
them to learn so small that when adults need to ask for help, they don't ask 
at all. Did you believe killing yourself would make people appreciate you?  Continue reading