Author Archives: Lauren Ledoux

About Lauren Ledoux

Until my life turns into the neurotic sitcom that it’s meant to become, I’ll be over here, covered in dogs, while supplementing my delusions with bottom shelf-whiskey, RnB dance parties, and a lot of Netflix movies "featuring a strong female lead."

I Don’t Think You’re Ready for this Jelly

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You can only spend so many nights flipping through Netflix,
Winding your way through 90’s romantic comedies featuring a strong
Female lead, before you dream those beauties into late-night realities,
Before the pop song of your fantasy-prom is a ballad you can hum in your sleep,
and the mundane life you lead can be so much more than taking buzzfeed quizzes at your
desk and naming all your goldfish crackers after ex lovers and making them fight.

But I don’t wanna be Anne Hathaway.
I want to be Beyonce.
And I don’t want to really be Beyonce, I want to be me,
Being Beyonce.
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