Author Archives: Reagan Myers

About Reagan Myers

Reagan is the youngest Grand Slam champion to ever come out of Nebraska, and the first woman to hold the title in six years. She's been to two National Poetry Slams, represented the University of Nebraska-Lincoln at the College Unions Poetry Slam Invitational two years in a row, and was the Woman of the World Poetry Slam rep for 2016. You can see her work on Button Poetry. Her current job is a teaching artist with the Nebraska Writers Collective, which is the coolest job that has ever existed. In her spare time, she chases her two cats, Caspian and Persephone, around her apartment to keep them from chewing on important things.

Three Poems – Reagan Myers

fossil tracks


She shows up uninvited, not quite a friend,
knows where I keep the spare key, 
just reaches for the door frame and lets herself in.
She rifles through my cupboards, forgets to wash 
the dishes, leaves nothing for me.

You know how a CD skips and skips and 
sort of sounds sorry but really isn’t? She can’t help it, 
she says. And don’t I love her anyway,
how familiar her imprint in my sheets, how 
after a while, I tune out her breathing like it is my own,
have stopped registering that she is not, in fact, me --

that it was not me who broke the glass 
and left the shards for hours, not me 
who used the unpaid bills as coasters, who is unrepentant.
She is the broken spot on my showerhead, she drips and drips, 
fills my ears. I hang up the towel, 
catch a glimpse of myself in the fogged mirror
and see her, this sister not sister, 
this heavy ghost, 
this me, not me, not me.
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