Author Archives: Jill Khoury

About Jill Khoury

Jill Khoury is interested in the intersection of poetry, visual art, representations of gender, and disability. She holds an MFA from The Ohio State University. Her poems have appeared or are forthcoming in numerous journals, including Arsenic Lobster, Copper Nickel, Inter|rupture, and Portland Review. She edits Rogue Agent, a journal of embodied poetry and art. Her chapbook Borrowed Bodies was released from Pudding House Press in 2009. Her first full-length collection, Suites for the Modern Dancer, is forthcoming from Sundress Publications in 2016. You can find her at

Three Poems – Jill Khoury

“The Entire City” (1934) Max Ernst

Turncoat Erotica
after Kurt Weston’s Reticulation

I swallowed broken
glass to get here.

[Here is subjective.]

What I mean is
I rubbed vaseline

over my torso and scraped

myself along asphalt
to forget you.

After that I was pebbled,

gelid, licked. I can breathe 
under water; love me.


The sun lowers itself 
through a chemical cloudstack
faster than my rate of breathing.

Light drips across the mouths 
of angel statues. Sloughs off 
the backs of dead war heroes. 
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