Author Archives: Kris Hall

About Kris Hall

Kris Hall is a writer and event coordinator for Da'daedal from Seattle, WA. Author of the chapbooks; Dillinger on the Beach (Horse Less Press) and Notes for Xenos Vesparum (Shotgun Wedding). He has been featured in The Monarch Review, Pismire, and TheEEEL.

Fuil & Other Monsters (I-III)



I am the age Jack was
when he became the first person
to flip me off
It was the Christmas we spent
in Spokane, trapped by the winter 
in his trailer park
where the presents were kept 
in a trash bag 
	Delivered to us involuntarily
This was the man who used to drop acid 
in his Sunday's finest
and take his stepfather's car 
	on joy rides past palm trees
	and police lights, 
who believed that if he hated 
hard enough he could be 
a 1970's devil Continue reading